The Golden Gold Gogo

title Gakuensai Gakuen The Golden Gold Gogo
date/time 2021 05.21 20:00-21:00
broadcast niconico
cost free
seiyuu Maeshima Ami (前島亜美)
Ozawa Ari (小澤亜李)
Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

This was a live broadcast talk show by announcer Aoki Yuuma. The seiyuu guests were Maeshima Ami, Ozawa Ari, and Hata Sawako from Pastel Palettes.

The Pastel Palettes members were on the show for around 30 minutes. They had just released their first album Title Idol . This was their first album, but they had released many singles, so this was like a best album.

The special version of this CD comes with a bluray containing video of the Pastel Palettes live.

During the talk part, Sawako showed how flexible her shoulders were by placing her hand together behind her back.

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2024-05-17 20:19:00 +0900