Seiyuu Anizatsudan 116

title Seiyuu Anizatsudan 116
date/time 2018 09.11 20:00-
hosts Matsui Eriko (松井恵理子)
Matsuzaki Rei (松嵜麗)
guest Igarashi Hiromi (五十嵐裕美)
Yamamoto Nozomi (山本希望)
Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)
archive video/ episode/ 90-643rzn7sn-gx_s0_p116

This was the second to last broadcast of Seiyuu Anizatsudan. The guests for the 116th broadcast were Igarashi Hiromi, Yamamoto Nozomi, and Yoshimura Haruka.

Eriko and Rei read mails for the first 7 minutes. Then the guests came. This was Hiromi's 5th time on this show. Nozomi and Haruka both appeared 4 times.

They read several mails, and after that the rest of the show was the anizatsudan corner, where each guest talked about their favorite anime/manga. Haruka talked about "Fushigi Yuugi" and "Akazukin Chacha", Hiromi talked about "Revue Starlight" and "Aa Megami-sama (OVA)", and Nozomi talked about "Baki" and "Kisekai Yuka-chan".

After that, each guest gave out some information about upcoming events and releases.

The next broadcast will be the final broadcast, and it will be just Eriko and Rei.

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2024-05-08 19:32:37 +0900