Seiyuu Anizatsudan 53

title Seiyuu Anizatsudan 53
date/time 2017 04.18 22:00-
hosts Matsui Eriko (松井恵理子)
Matsuzaki Rei (松嵜麗)
guests Takada Yuuki (高田憂希)
archive video/ episode/ 90-643rzn7sn-gx_s0_p53

The guest for broadcast 53 was Takada Yuuki. When Yuuki came in, she did her usual self introduction.

During the talk part, Yuuki said that she made up her self intro because she wanted people to remember her name. She said she didn't have any other points to appeal to people.

They talked about the anime Busou Shoujo Machiavellism. Yuuki and Eriko are both in this anime.

For the final announcements, Yuuki said that she will appear at the Matsu Iga Produce event on 4/29. Then Eriko said that she will also appear as a guest at that event.

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2024-05-16 17:08:09 +0900