Seiyuu Anizatsudan 82

title Seiyuu Anizatsudan 82
date/time 2017 11.28 22:00-
hosts Matsui Eriko (松井恵理子)
Matsuzaki Rei (松嵜麗)
guests Aiba Aina (相羽あいな)
Kudou Haruka (工藤晴香)
Endou Yurika (遠藤ゆりか)
Akesaka Satomi (明坂聡美)
Sakuragawa Megu (桜川めぐ)
archive video/ episode/ 90-643rzn7sn-gx_s0_p82

The guests for broadcast 82 were the members of Roselia from Bang Dream.

Eriko and Rei were wearing gothic lolita outfits instead of pajamas. They were in a large studio instead of their normal room setting.

All members of Roselia came wearing their outfits. They talked about Bang Dream and Roselia.

They talked about playing the musical instrumentals for Roselia. Satomi said the she played the keyboards from age 5 to 15, but there was a 13 year blank when she started again for Roselia. Haruka and Yurika both played guitar, but there was no bass player. So the staff told them to decide between themselves who will play bass.

They said they practice four days a week prior to their lives.

Then they showed a video clip of their recent live. The video will be included in their upcoming single.

Roselia will have lives in January and May 2018.

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2024-05-14 12:11:34 +0900