Seiyuu Anizatsudan 90

title Seiyuu Anizatsudan 90
date/time 2018 02.13 22:00-
hosts Matsui Eriko (松井恵理子)
Matsuzaki Rei (松嵜麗)
guests Takada Yuuki (高田憂希)
Hioka Natsumi
archive video/ episode/ 90-643rzn7sn-gx_s0_p90

The guests for broadcast 90 were Takada Yuuki and Hioka Natsumi.

Yuuki and Natsumi sat on the sofa on the left, and Eriko and Rei sat on the right.

Yuuki did her usual self intro. She said that she was too nervous the previous week, so she forgot to do it.

Natsumi said she likes manga a lot. She reads both shounen and shoujo manga.

At the end they talked about the current anime Mitsuboshi Colors, and even showed a promo video. Yuuki and Natsumi are doing voices of the main characters, along with Kouno Marika.

There will be a Mitsuboshi Colors event on 8/18.

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2024-05-19 06:53:01 +0900