Seiyuu Anizatsudan 93

title Seiyuu Anizatsudan 93
date/time 2018 03.13 22:00-
hosts Matsui Eriko (松井恵理子)
Matsuzaki Rei (松嵜麗)
guests Igarashi Hiromi (五十嵐裕美)
Makino Yui (牧野由依)
Watanabe Yui
archive video/ episode/ 90-643rzn7sn-gx_s0_p93

The guests for broadcast 93 were Igarashi Hiromi, Makino Yui, and Watanabe Yui.

The show started with two Popute Pipikku kigurumi. They were voiced by Eriko and Rei. They said there would be a major announcement at the end of the show.

This show was broadcast from a different studio, as the usual studio was too small for the kigurumi and three guests.

The three guests and Rei were the singers of the ending song to the TV anime Popute Pipikku (Pop Team Epic). Yui and Yui sing the ending for episodes 1 to 6, and Rei and Hiromi sing the ending for episodes 8 to the end.

The first 30 minutes of this show was talk about Popute Pipikku. As for the ending song, Yui and Yui recorded the song separately, with Watanbe Yui going first. But Rei and Hiromi recorded the song together.

A 3 CD set for Popute Pipikku with 123 songs will go on sale 3/28. All of the ending songs will be included in this set.

At the end there was an announcement. They thought that this show was going to end, but actually it will continue and move to a different timeslot (21:00) in April.

At the very end, the two Popute Pipikku kigurumi came into the studio.

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2024-05-19 16:54:45 +0900