Anime Hack TV 12

title Anime Hack TV 12
date 2022 04.03
broadcast youtube
hosts Tokui Sora (徳井青空)
guests Sagara Mayu (相良茉優)
Houmoto Akina (法元明菜)

This was talk show hosted by Tokui Sora. The guests were Sagara Mayu and Houmoto Akina from Nijigasaki Gakuen.

Sora said that this was the one year anniversary of this show.

Akina said that she was following Love Live since the beginning when it was just the magazine and songs project. She said she was living in China at that time. Sora was surprised that Akina was able to follow Love Live in China that early.

Mayu and Akina talked about Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai, and the second Nijigasaki TV series which started yesterday (4/2).

They played some word games at the end, but they didn't do too well. They only got 3 out of 8 correct, mostly Mayu's fault. But Mayu pleaded in a cute voice, and they got a rainbow colored cheesecake.

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2024-05-10 01:13:41 +0900