Seiyuu Otazatsudan 19

title Seiyuu Otazatsudan 19
date/time 2022 02.15
hosts Matsui Eriko (松井恵理子)
Takada Yuuki (高田憂希)
guest Hanai Miharu (花井美春)

This was the 19th broadcast of Seiyuu Otazatsudan. The hosts were Matsui Eriko and Takada Yuuki. The guest was Hanai Miharu.

Miharu was one of the hosts of the the sister program to this show, Seiyuu Encount. But the two shows haven't done anything together yet.

Miharu was in the same production as Eriko, and Eriko brought a birthday present for Miharu. It was a hat.

The first corner was the survey talk, where Miharu filled out a board with her likes, dislikes, and other information. Miharu likes to watch womens pro wrestling, and she even exercised to try to be one when she was younger.

Recently Miharu likes to watch a lot of vtubers.

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2024-05-19 23:03:37 +0900