Yuukinchi 16

title Yuukinchi 16
date/time 2022 03.13
broadcast youtube, niconico
hosts Kuwahara Yuuki (桑原由気)
Takada Yuuki (高田憂希)
guest Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

This was the 16th broadcast of the seiyuu talk show by Kuwahara Yuuki and Takada Yuuki. The guest was Hata Sawako.

This was a show where the two Yuukis talk, eat, and play games. The first part was free on youtube and niconico, and the second part was for members only on niconico.

Sawako sat in the middle between the two Yuukis, with a clear barrier between them. They were all wearing pajamas and masks. Sawako had her rabbit mask.

The two Yuukis and Sawako were in the same production, and they have done lots of work together. Both Yuukis had appeared on Sawako's Shawagohan show. But they hadn't appeared together in this combination before.

After some talk, they played the game "Overcook Oukoku no Full Course". Sawako played this game for the first time, and she said she enjoyed it.

The next broadcat of this show will be on 3/26 at 24:00.

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2024-05-11 21:05:24 +0900