Kayanomi 107

title Kayanomi 107
date/time 2021 07.16
broadcast youtube
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Jwc32CA_uMM
host Kayano Ai (茅野愛衣)
guest Nanjou Yoshino (南條愛乃)
Hikasa Youko (日笠陽子)

This was the 107th broadcast of Kayano Ai's show Kayanomi. This was a birthday special, and the guests were Nanjou Yoshino and Hikasa Youko. Yoshino's birthday was 7/12 and Youko's birthday was 7/16.

This broadcast was continued from the previous broadcast on 7/12 .

They ate lots of food and drank sake. At around the 12 minute mark, Ai gave birthday presents to Yoshino and Youko. Then they also got birthday desserts from the restaurant.

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2024-05-20 10:58:47 +0900