Aida Rikako x The Television Aitai! 21

title Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!" 21
date/time 2022 09.22
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)
guest Asaka

This was the 21st live broadcast by Aida Rikako for her solo program Aitai! The guest was Asaka, an anime song singer.

Rikako and Asaka first met in 2018 on a song show, but they became friends in 2019. They both like horror movies, so they went to see one together.

In the free part, they played a quiz game to get to know each other better.

Asaka's 5th anniversary live bluray will go on sale 9/28, and they showed a short commercial video clip.

In members only part, they will wear pajamas and have a pajama party. They will watch horror games and eat treats.

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2024-05-20 14:02:16 +0900