Aida Rikako x The Television Aitai! 22

title Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!" 22
date/time 2022 10.26
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)

This was the 22nd live broadcast by Aida Rikako for her solo program Aitai!

There were halloween decorations on the wall behind Rikako.

The staff did some pranks and tricks during the show, and Rikako said she wanted to ignore them. But the staff asked her to point out the various tricks since the start of today's show. Rikako got all of them correct and the tricks continued during the rest of the show.

In the members only part, Rikako will wear a "Harajuku style" outfit and do some ASMR talk.

[Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!"]

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2024-05-31 22:03:08 +0900