Aida Rikako x The Television Aitai! 24

title Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!" 24
date/time 2022 12.22
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)

This was the 24th live broadcast by Aida Rikako for her solo program Aitai!

Rikako said that one year went by very fast. But this year, there will be no end of year live, so she can relax at home.

Rikako did a review of this year's broadcasts. She ranked the broadcasts and showed some clips. But they only got half way during the free broadcast.

Then Rikako showed some of the goods for the upcoming event.

In the members only part, Rikako will wear a fox dance outfit (a Nippon Ham Fighters uniform). She was expecting a santa outfit for Christmas, but she wore one last year.

[Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!"]

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2024-05-20 15:49:16 +0900