Aida Rikako x The Television Aitai! 26

title Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!" 26
date/time 2023 02.24
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)

This was the 26th live broadcast by Aida Rikako for her solo program Aitai!

In the free broadcast, they did a making an "instruction manual" for Rikako. They talked about what she like, what she usually does, and such. Rikako said that it should be pretty easy to figure her out.

Rikako gave some information on upcoming events. She will appear at the Aniera City Bash Vol.2 event on 4/9 at Toyosu Pit. Rikako will also have her final Nakano Sun Plaza live on 6/3, as part of the Sayonara Nakano Sun Plaza Ongakusai.

In the members only part, Rikako will wear a patissier (pastry chef) outfit. It was a white top and red skirt, and Rikako was very happy to be able to wear it.

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2024-05-20 14:02:19 +0900