Aida Rikako x The Television Aitai! 30

title Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!" 30
date/time 2023 06.21
broadcast niconico
archive members only
seiyuu Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)

This was the 30th live broadcast by Aida Rikako for her solo program Aitai!

Rikako said she had a very busy June.

In the free broadcast, she did an online personality test.

Rikako will release a new mini album "Act2" on 9/13. She said she is working on the album now.

Rikako will have a birthday event on 8/8 at Zepp Haneda.

In the members only part, Rikako will wear a flight attendant outfit, and eat lots of snacks.

[Aida Rikako x The Television "Aitai!"]

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2024-05-20 11:55:06 +0900