Aoshaberi 3

title Aoshaberi 3
date/time 2024 01.31
broadcast youtube
archive watch?v=T_0E6SKt_r4
host Amamiya Sora (雨宮天)

This was the third live broadcast by Amamiya Sora for her youtube channel.

Today was the release date for Sora's solo single Shouten. Sora talked about the songs on the CD.

Sora was wearing all blue, a blue top and blue jeans.

Then at the end, Sora announced that there will be a solo event on 3/2, Amamiya Sora Oyuugikai 2024.

Also Sora announced the dates and locations of her concert tour.

date location
5/11 Osaka
5/12 Osaka
5/26 Ohmiya (Saitama)
6/09 Aichi
6/22 Tachikawa (Tokyo)
6/23 Tachikawa (Tokyo)

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2024-05-20 14:47:23 +0900