Waki Azumi-san ga Login shimashita 18

title Waki Azumi-san ga Login shimashita 18
date/time 2021 02.19
seiyuu Waki Azumi (和氣あず未)
guests Amano Satomi (天野聡美)

This was the 18th broadcast of Waki Azumi's solo program.

Azumi's first album and photobook went on sale recently.

The guest was Amano Satomi. This was Satomi's second time as a guest. She came in March 2020 .

The game they played was "1-2-Switch" for the Nintendo Switch. They stood up and played many physical games. Azumi won 11 times and Satomi won 6.

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2024-05-20 15:21:25 +0900