Jisshitsu Ie Mitaina Channel 28

title Jisshitsu Ie Mitaina Channel 28
date/time 2024 02.29
broadcast niconico
host Maekawa Ryouko (前川涼子)
guest Shibasaki Noriko (芝崎典子)

This was the 28th broadcast of the monthly show by Maekawa Ryouko.

The first 30 minutes was free, and the rest was for members only.

There were some snacks, foods, and soft drinks for Ryouko and Noriko. After a kanpai, Noriko ate while Ryouko read mails.

Ryouko and Noriko and will have an Idolmaster Shiny Colors live his weekend in Osaka.

Noriko said the foreign country she wants to go to the most is Hawaii, but she also wants to go to England to visit Liverpool, to see the hometown of the Beatles.

In the challenge corner, there was a list of "miracle" challenges that Ryouko and Noriko had to choose from. Since today was 2/29, they were rare challenges. Some of the choices were as follows.

They chose the one minute talk, and tried it. But Ryouko forgot to start the stopwatch.. So they said they would try it again in the members only part.

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2024-05-20 07:54:42 +0900