Venus Project -Climax- Housou Chokuzen Tokuban

title Venus Project -Climax- Housou Chokuzen Tokuban
date/time 2015 07.05 21:30-22:30
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)
Hayase Marika (早瀬莉花)
Nemoto Ruka (根本流風)
assistant Nakanishi Yuuka

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of Venus Project -Climax-. The hosts were Hata Sawako, Hayase Marika, and Nemoto Ruka.

Nakanishi Yuuka appeared as an "assistant", and was on the show during most of the broadcast. Since Ruka was only 17 years old, she had to leave at 22:00, half way into the broadcast.

The first 30 minutes was talk, and the last 30 minutes was just watching the seiyuu watch the anime, Venus Project -Climax- episode 1.

Ruka said that this was the first time she was on a niconama broadcast. Marika said that this was her second time, but it was her first time as a host.

They talked a little about the Venus Project lives that they've had so far. There have been two lives.

The TV anime will start next week, but before that there will be a preview event on 7/9 where they will show episode 1.

The TV anime was supposed to air tonight, but they didn't finish it in time, so there will be a variety show broadcast, Venus Project TV 1 .

When the broadcast of the TV show started, Yuuka joined Sawako and Marika, and they watched the show.

[Venus Project Internet broadcasts]

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2024-05-21 18:09:12 +0900