Venus Project -Climax- Anime 2 Jizen Tokuban

title Venus Project -Climax- Anime 2 Jizen Tokuban
date/time 2015 08.23 21:30-22:30
broadcast niconico
seiyuu Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)
Hayase Marika (早瀬莉花)
Iida Riho (飯田里穂)

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of Venus Project -Climax-. The hosts were Hata Sawako and Hayase Marika. The guest was Iida Riho.

The first 30 minutes was talk, and the last 30 minutes was just watching the seiyuu watch the anime, Venus Project -Climax- episode 2.

The mission for this broadcast was to get 10000 viewers. Also if they get 10000 comments before the broadcast of the anime, they will get some jelly to eat during the anime.

They gave out information on the many upcoming Venus Project lives. Riho will appear at the Venus Project Premium Live on 9/23.

They showed a photo of Sawako and Marika from one of the Venus Project CD/BD events.

Riho played one song of the Dream Beat game.

Then just before the anime started, Riho introduced her character Ruka Sovagasky.

They didn't have enough comments when the anime started, but they reached 10000 comments during the anime broadcast. Then the staff bought out the drinks and desserts for the seiyuu.

At the end, they announced that they got over 13000 viewers.

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2024-05-21 02:38:11 +0900