Takunomi housou chokuzen niconama

title Takunomi housou chokuzen niconama
Stella House Haruno yori otodoke shimasu
date/time 2017 12.14
broadcast niconico
archive none
seiyuu Imamura Ayaka
Anzai Chika
Komatsu Mikako
Uchida Maaya (内田真礼)

This was a special live program that was broadcast prior to the TV anime.
Takunomi will begin airing in January 2018.

The seiyuu hosts were Imamura Ayaka, Anzai Chika, Komatsu Mikako, and Uchida Maaya.

There were many drinks (alcohol) on the table in front of the seiyuu. There was even a bottle of champagne. They started off with the champagne.

The story of takunomi is about girls who live in a sharehouse, who like to drink a lot. They introduced the characters and story. Then they showed a promo video for the anime.

After finishing the bottle of champagne, they all introduced the drinks that they liked.

Chika showed a bottle of Jack Daniels, but she said she wanted to start off with a beer.

Maaya said she likes kahlua milk.

Maaya sings the opening song for the anime, "Aventure Bleu". This is her 7th single and it goes on sale February 14, 2018. They played the song (audio only, no promo video).

There will be a Takunomi event on January 14, 2018 at 19:00, "Takunomi" Stella House Shibuya 1 Paime. The guests will be Ayaka, Chika, and Mikako, and they will all drink during the event.

The last 30 minutes of this program was just a lot of fun talk by four drunk girls.

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2024-05-20 11:54:53 +0900