M Hold'em Koushiki Namahousou 2

title M Hold'em Koushiki Namahousou 2
date/time 2021 08.05 20:00-22:00
broadcast youtube
archive www.youtube.com/ watch?v=HRxooaHQ1nk
seiyuu Hata Sawako (秦佐和子)

This was the second live broadcast for the game M Hold'em. The seiyuu guest was Hata Sawako.

Sawako does the role of Hanai Rin in this game. M Hold'em is a poke game, and they gave a short explanation at the beginning.

Sawako said she didn't know about poker, and started playing poker when this game got released. But she already reached the "gold" level in this game. She said it was good to play at night when the other players started getting drunk, as it was easier to win then.

Sawako played against the viewers for about 15 minutes. Then the other guests played. They also gave out lots of information about the game events.

Sawako said she recorded a lot of lines that weren't in the game yet, so there will be new things added to the game in the future.

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2024-05-19 09:45:11 +0900