Pyxis no Kira Kira Daisakusen! Bangumi Event 2021

title Pyxis no Kira Kira Daisakusen! Bangumi Event 2021
date/time 2021 07.10
cost 3000 yen (members) each session
host Itou Miku (伊藤美来)
Toyota Moe (豊田萌絵)

This was a live broadcast of an event by the seiyuu group Pyxis . There were two sessions and both sessions were broadcast.

The opening talk (around 3 minutes) was free and the rest was for a fee.

At the beginnig of the second session, Moe said she was already tired from the first event, where they did jump roping.

[Second Shot Channel internet broadcasts]

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2024-05-21 03:44:00 +0900