Sakurai Tomo Channel video 1

title Sakurai Tomo Channel video 1
date 2019 09.10
url watch?v=ynhc2b5eE8U
host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

This was the first video by Tomo for her Sakurai Tomo youtube channel. The video was around 4 minutes.

Since it was Tomo's birthday, there was a birthday cake. Instead of just eating the cake, she had to clear a task. Tomo had to blow out all the candles on the cake at once. Tomo was given a little box of 15 candles, and she put all of them on the cake. Then she blew them out, successfully.

Tomo will have a live on 11/16, Okaeri Tadima Live "Mata Aetane".

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2024-05-19 15:47:44 +0900