Sakurai Tomo Channel video 7

title Sakurai Tomo Channel video 7
date 2019 11.29
url watch?v=i-CLRE5LK1I
host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

This was the 7th video by Tomo for her Sakurai Tomo youtube channel. The video was around 17 minutes.

Tomo talked about her Okaeri Tadaima live.

There was a large banner hanging behind Tomo. It had lots of messages from the fans, written at the live. Tomo also added her own message, "Tadaima korekaha zutto issho dayo."

Tomo said that they will start taking reservations for the live DVD on 12/10. It will contain the evening session.

Tomo said that she will have an events in Hong Kong on 2/1 and 2/2.

Tomo is also planning an event "Mata Aetane Osarai Event" on 2/22 at Asagaya Loft A.

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2024-05-17 20:55:04 +0900