Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 4

title Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 4
date 2020 01.21 20:00-20:30
url watch?v=4g2uP3VOcEs
host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

This was the 4th live broadcast by Tomo for her Sakurai Tomo youtube channel. This broadcast was around 30 minutes.

Tomo talked about the live DVD that she is making now. She said it will be sent out in the middle of February.

Next Tomo talked about the upcoming events in Hong Kong. She said it looks like she will be able to go. On 2/1 she will have a song stage, and on 2/2 she will have a talk and song stage. Tomo said she was looking forward to eating lots of good food too.

This will be her first foreign event as Sakurai Tomo.
She went to Hawaii over 30 years ago for a Lemon Angel event.

Next Tomo talked about her event on 2/22 at Asagaya Loft, Mata Aetane Talk Special. There will be two sessions, at 13:00 and 18:00. It will be a talk event, but Tomo will also sing some songs. There will also be a handshake session.

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2024-05-20 10:34:27 +0900