Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 5

title Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 5
date 2020 02.09 19:00-19:30
url watch?v=lGHcS8wKwaI
host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

This was the 5th live broadcast by Tomo for her Sakurai Tomo youtube channel. The broadcast was around 26 minutes.

Tomo said that it was very cold recently. She came back from Hong Kong, and was feeling very healthy, but she doesn't like the cold.

Tomo talked about her live DVD. The jacket photo was ready, so she showed a copy of it. She said that the DVDs should be sent out before the event on 2/22.

Tomo talked about the upcoming event on 2/22. It will be a talk event, but she will also mix some songs in. There will be a few CDs and photos from the November live on sale. There will also be some new sets of photos that she took in Hong Kong. Tomo said she will also do have a two-shot cheki photo session.

The next corner was the challenge corner, and Tomo decorated some chocolates. Then she ate a little bit of one.

Next Tomo talked about her trip to Hong Kong. She said she took a lot of pictures and videos. There was one bread that she really liked, and showed a picture of her at a bread store. Then the staff brought some breads, saying that they found a place in Japan that sold it.

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2024-05-15 02:13:08 +0900