Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 13

title Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 13
date 2021 02.12
url watch?v=MMalRsjPuf4
host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

This was the 13th live broadcast by Tomo for her Sakurai Tomo youtube channel. The broadcast was around 45 minutes. This was the first broadcast of 2021.

Tomo was wearing a seifuku with a red vest. Her hair was in twintails.

Tomo said the hay fever has hit her already. Actually it had hit her since the fall, so maybe she's allergic to different pollens.

Tomo said this winter feels a little warmer than usual.

Tomo said it has been around 5 months since she stopped jogging, so she gained a little weight.

Then Tomo showed a video, around 20 minutes long. She went to a Fujiya cake store, and bought many cakes. She took it back to the office, and ate them.

Tomo can't do a Valentine Aid event this year, so she just held up a chocolate and said, "Happy Valentines!"

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2024-05-18 16:28:34 +0900