Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 14

title Sakurai Tomo Channel live broadcast 14
date 2021 03.25
url watch?v=4EucmMe91Fo
host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

This was the 14th live broadcast by Tomo for her Sakurai Tomo youtube channel. The broadcast was over one hour.

Tomo was wearing a white blazer style seifuku. Her hair was in twintails.

Tomo said she took some videos outside earlier in the day, and she showed the video. Tomo went to Asakusa, and walked around Sensouji. Then she went to a restaurant to eat lunch. Tomo also bought some dessert breads.

After the video (over 30 minutes) the staff brought some desserts to the studio and Tomo ate some. Then they showed some more of the video.

Tomo said that the Sakurai Tomo official site has opened, and there will be some goods on sale. Tomo will also have some online events.

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2024-05-15 21:50:07 +0900