WUG Channel 18

title WUG Channel 18
date/time 2017 12.15 21:30-
hosts Yoshioka Mayu (吉岡茉祐)
Tanaka Minami (田中美海)
Takagi Miyu (高木美佑)
archive taken down

The hosts of WUG Channel 18 were Mayu, Minami, and Miyu.

The opening picture was drawn by Mayu.

They were going to play a horror game, so Mayu was scared and hiding.

They just had the Wake Up Girls Trinity event a few days ago, and they talked about the event.

The game that they played was "Emily Wants to Play" for the Playstation 4.

Minami had forgotten her contacts, so she wore glasses.

The WUG character song series 3 goes on sale 12/20.

They gave out information on upcoming broadcasts.

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2024-05-20 18:02:50 +0900