WUG Channel special broadcast

title WUG Channel special broadcast
date/time 2018 06.15 (recorded)
hosts Yoshioka Mayu (吉岡茉祐)
Eino Airi (永野愛理)
Tanaka Minami (田中美海)
Yamashita Nanami (山下七海)
Aoyama Yoshino (青山吉能)
Okuno Kaya (奥野香耶)
Takagi Miyu (高木美佑)
archive taken down

On June 15, 2018, there was an annoncement that the seiyuu group Wake Up Girls will be breaking up in March 2019. There was also a special message broadcast of WUG Channel on that day.

The broadcast started with everyone together. Then there were individually recorded messages by everyone. Each message was around 2 minutes.

At the end, there was a little talk by everyone. WUG Channel will continue, at an irregular schedule.

Wake Up Girls, the seiyuu group will disband, but the Wake Up Girls contents will go on.

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2024-05-12 11:33:07 +0900