Homerun Radio! Patto UP 132

title Homerun Radio! Patto UP 132
date/time 2018 04.17 20:00-
seiyuu Yuuki Kana
Yoshimura Haruka (佳村はるか)

This was the 132nd broadcast of Homerun Radio Patto UP, a live broadcast by Yuuki Kana and Yoshimura Haruka. Haruka was a substitute host because Airi had to work.

Haruka said she was watching the game at the Tokyo Dome before she came to the studio for this show. Haruka said she just bought the Lions uniform that she was wearing today. She was wearing number 85, the manager Tsuji's uniform.

They were watching the Lions - Fighters game live on an ipad during this broadcast. They got very happy when the Lions scored. But they were very sad at the end as the Lions were losing.

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2024-05-17 17:56:27 +0900