Kayatan no Aquarium 10

title Kayatan no Aquarium 10
date/time 2020 07.14
broadcast niconico
cost free and members only
host Okuno Kaya (奥野香耶)

This was the 10th broadcast of Okuno Kaya's solo live program. The first 30 minutes was free, and the rest was for members only.

There was a dummy head microphone, and Kaya said she would use it during the members only broadcast.

Kaya did the "Kayatan simulation" corner, where the viewers had to guess what Kaya would do in certain situations. Usually Kaya does this corner in the members only broadcast.

Kaya showed a cheki that she will give away as a present in the members only broadcast. It was a photo that she took earlier in the day at some photo shoot.

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2024-05-20 13:33:58 +0900