Kayatan no Aquarium 28

title Kayatan no Aquarium 28
date/time 2022 01.18
broadcast niconico
cost free and members only
host Okuno Kaya (奥野香耶)

This was the 28th broadcast of Okuno Kaya's solo live program. The first 30 minutes was free, and the rest was for members only.

This was the first broadcast of year.

Kaya said she went home to her family's home for the New Year break. She said there was a lot of snow, but her father came to pick her up at the station.

Kaya participated in the Voice Star Daikanshasai event in December. There was a contest in that event, and Kaya got the 150,000 yen prize (second place). So Kaya asked the viewers to send in ideas for what to do with the prize money.

Kaya said there will be a "what is Kaya trying to express?" season 2, so she did some more acting. The topics were a little easier this time, and Kaya got 4 points.

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2024-05-21 05:35:43 +0900