Kayatan no Aquarium 34

title Kayatan no Aquarium 34
date/time 2022 07.26
broadcast niconico
cost free and members only
host Okuno Kaya (奥野香耶)

This was the 34th broadcast of Okuno Kaya's solo live program. The first 30 minutes was free, and the rest was for members only.

Kaya was wearing a sleeveless top and jeans.

It was raining recently, and Kaya said that she just hangs her laundry in her bathroom to dry. She doesn't put them outside.

In Kaya's acting corner, she reached 20 points last time, so she was thinking about what present to get.

She started over this time, and got 4 points.

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2024-05-22 01:18:17 +0900