My Closet 7

title My Closet 7
date/time 2019 11.22 21:00-
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive watch?v=sLYb30-QVVA
host Yoshioka Mayu (吉岡茉祐)
guest Tanaka Minami (田中美海)

This was the 7th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's solo program My Closet. The first 30 minutes was free, and the second half was for members only.

The guest was Tanaka Minami, and she came in carrying a birthday cake for Mayu. After Mayu took a picture of the cake, Minami fed her. Minami was the first seiyuu guest on this show.

Mayu will have an event for this show "My Closet Shucchou Kougi" on 12/29, and the guest will be Tanaka Minami. They are making many goods for the event, featuring photos of Mayu and Minami.

Next they talked about Mayu's collaboration with the fashion brand Favorite. Mayu already drew the design of a parker, and they received some samples of the faric. So Mayu and Minami tried to choose which one they will use.

At the end of the free part, Mayu talked about what they would do in the members only broadcast.

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2024-05-14 19:01:26 +0900