My Closet 11

title My Closet 11
date/time 2020 03.27 21:00-
guest Toyota Moe (豊田萌絵)
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive watch?v=2U5r53CihUI
host Yoshioka Mayu (吉岡茉祐)

This was the 11th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's solo program My Closet. The first 30 minutes was free, and the second half was for members only.

The guest was Toyota Moe.

There was a sakura branch on the set.

Mayu announced that the delivery of the collaboration parkers will be delayed (end of April or so).

Then Moe came onto the show. Moe was the second seiyuu guest for this show.

Moe is going to play the heroine in the play were Mayu is the writer and director. The play "Tatsu no Otoshigo" will be held in Theater Sun Mall from 4/15 to 4/19.

Mayu said that Moe will teach her how to take selfies, as she's not very good at it. This will be in the members only broadcast.

Mayu also asked Moe to be the photographer for Mayu's calendar photos. They took a couple scenes during the free broadcast, spring and summer photos. The rest will be taken in during the members only broadcast.

Then Mayu said she wanted to take pics of Moe, and took some.

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2024-05-20 10:34:14 +0900