Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 23

title Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 23
date/time 2022 11.23
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (吉岡茉祐)
guest Ogino Hazuki

This was the 23rd broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's SF show.

The guest was Ogino Hazuki.

Mayu and Hazuki met for the first time today. They have lots of common friends, but this was really the first time they met.

Hazuki was wearing a sweater with lots of sharks. She said she likes sharks, and shark movies.

The Starbucks drink they drank was "strawberry and velvet brownie mocha". The frappuchinos were sold out at all of the nearby stores, so they had to get the regular drink.

Hazuki said she also likes Starbucks.

The 8/pLanet 6th Live bluray (8 Beat Story) will go on sale 12/23. Hazuki said that this live was the first live that she performed in.

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2024-05-20 19:49:15 +0900