Nanamin no Negoto 11

title Nanamin no Negoto 11
date/time 2019 12.19
broadcast niconico, youtube
archive watch?v=Wn4LpffoaKU
host Yamashita Nanami (山下七海)

This was the 11th broadcast of Yamashita Nanami's solo program.

Nanami was wearing clothes that was chosen in the omake of the previous broadcast. Nanami had drawn a sketch, and her outfit was similar to it.

The task for today was to have people praise Nanami without using the word "kawaii" (cute).

In the game corner, Nanami played "Untitled Goose Game", the same as last broadcast.

The next broadcast will be on 1/30 next year, and the guest will be Igarashi Hiromi.

There will also be a joint broadcast with Yoshioka Mayu's show on 12/21.

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2024-05-21 04:17:07 +0900