Matsuki Miyu books and magazines

Some of the books and magazines that Miyu has appeared in are as follows.

2000 08.10 Newtype September 2000 CV New Wave, COLOR {6 P}
2000 08.30 Dengeki G's Magazine October 2000 Sentimental Prelude article, COLOR {1/6 P}
2003 06.10 Seiyuu Grand Prix July 2003 article, COLOR {1 P}
2003 07.10 Seiyuu Grand Prix August 2003 article, afureco article, COLOR {1+1/2 P}
2004.06 HM3 SPECIAL vol 14 interview, COLOR {2 P}
2006.07 HM3 SPECIAL vol 36 interview, COLOR {1 P}
2006.10 HM3 SPECIAL vol 39 article, COLOR {1 P}

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