Mikami Shiori roles

Some of the voice roles that Shiori has done are listed below.


Shiori has done the following roles in anime.

Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku [2022] Tougeguchi Ayumi
Amagi Brilliant Park [2014] Kobori
Flying Witch [2016] Ishiwatari Nao
Girl Friend (kari) [2014] Morizono Mei
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W [2013] Gutatan
Hyouka [2012] {ep 1} Kanda
Kampfer [2009] Nishino Masumi
Momokyun Sword [2014] Ringo
Mondaiji tachiga Isekai kara kuru soudesuyo [2013] Riri
Ore wo Sukinanoha Omae dakekayo [2019] Hanetachi Hina
Sacred Seven [2011] maid Shiori
Seiren [2017] Kamizaki Makoto
Sword Art Online [2012] Mina
Tamako Market [2013] Kisaragi Yuuko
Yuru Yuri [2011-2012 2015] Akaza Akari


Shiori has done the following roles in games.

Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation [Windows] Luna
OverHit [smartphone] Nami


Shiori has done the following roles in audio drama.

Yuru Yuri [CD] Akaza Akari

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2024-06-02 05:08:52 +0900