Nishida Nozomi roles

Some of the voice roles that Nozomi has done are listed below.


Nozomi has done the following roles in anime.

Busou Shoujo Machiavellism [2017] Tamaba Satori
Busou Shoujo Machiavellism [2017] Tamaba Misogi
Macross Delta [2016] Makina Nakajima
Re:Stage! Dream Days [2019] Shirokita Kuroha
Shinka no Mi [2021] Claudio Asterio


Nozomi has done the following roles in games.

8 Gatsu no Cinderella Nine [smartphone] Arihara Tsubasa
Genjuu Keiyaku Cryptract [smartphone] Herakuresu


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2024-09-21 09:22:03 +0900