Ohnishi Aguri roles

Some of the voice roles that Aguri has done are listed below.


Aguri has done the following roles in anime.

Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidai Daisuki na 100nin no Kanojo [2023] librarian
Kono Healer Mendokusai [2022] Karla
Love Live Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai [2020-2022] Uehara Ayumu


Aguri has done the following roles in games.

Heaven Burns Red [smartphone] Kiryuu Miya
Love Live School Idol Festival [iPhone, Android] Uehara Ayumu
Love Live School Idol Festival All Stars [smartphone] Uehara Ayumu


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2024-06-03 11:23:31 +0900