Anime Express - 1997.04.05

Title Anime Express
Date 1997 04.05
Host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)
Corner Sugawara Aya (菅原文)
Guest none
Songs Watashi no Kare ha Pilot (Sakurai Tomo)
Silver Moon Red Moon (Sakurai Tomo)
Drama Macross Generation 9

A listener asked about the "talents" that Tomo liked. Tomo said that she liked Takeda Tetsuya in the drama Virgin Road. She also liked Shounentai [an old idol group] when she first came into this business. Tomo wanted to dance like them.

The next corner was the "anpan no tsubuyaki" corner. Tomo read three letters.

1) a shell, which sex is it?

2) lamp post, it isn't a spot light for couples.
Tomo said that she sees a lot of couples in trains. (Tomo likes to watch people.) When the couples are happy, Tomo becomes happy.

3) slippers, don't smash that cockroach with me!
Tomo hates cockroaches.

Then they played Watashi no Kare ha Pilot by Sakurai Tomo.

The drama was Macross Generation episode 9 .

The next corner was the Jouhou Express corner by Sugawara Aya.

The Tobu Kyoushitsu CD (a reading of stories written by Shirakura Yumi) will go on sale 4/21. There will be a signing session on 4/29 at Yokohama Animate by Iizuka Mayumi.

The Macross Generation drama CD (joukan) will go on sale 4/9. It will contain episodes 1 to 5, and the OP by Sakurai Tomo. There will be a booklet containing a profile of each character. The jacket illustration was drawn by Mikimoto Haruhiko. The gekan will go on sale 4/16, and the two jackets will combine to form one picture.

Then they played Silver Moon Red Moon by Sakurai Tomo.

Tomo: I had my concert a couple days ago. Thank you to those who came.

[Anime Express]

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