Anime Express - 1997.07.26

Title Anime Express
Date 1997 07.26
Host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)
Corner Sugawara Aya (菅原文)
Guest none
Songs Hitotsumami no Spice (Sakurai Tomo)
Drama none

It's the end of July already.. which means that it's almost August. Tomo's summer live is 8/2, and the 5000 free tickets have been sent out already.

Tomo went to a back rub massage place, and they asked her if she was Japanese. Tomo also got mistaken for a foreigner at a public bath, a long time ago, when she was an idol.

15 or more years ago, there were a lots of cats in Tomo's neighborhood. They left the door open at their house, so sometimes the cats would come in. When Tomo was in kindergarten, a sparrow flew into her house.

Tomo got a letter from someone who noticed a cute person at a gym exercising, wearing a black outfit and looking around. One day she was wearing a Sakurai Tomo shirt. That girl was Tomo! Tomo said that she always runs listening to a walkman.

When Tomo was an idol (in junior high school), she was getting fat. One of the buttons popped off when she was dancing. It was difficult for her to find outfits, because the two other girls with her were skinny, and Tomo was slightly chubby. But now, Tomo can fit into any clothes.

Then Tomo played Hitotsumami no Spice [the whole song, over 4 minutes].

Then Tomo read a letter for the recipe corner. This was the last week for fried rice. The theme starting next week is spaghetti.

The next corner was Sugawara Aya's Jouhou Express corner.

Seiyuu Grand Prix volume 12 is on sale now, and it has a lot of pictures. But there are also lots to read too. There are essays, interviews, and regular columns.

The Jungle Taitei soundtrack is on sale now.

In August, the Kero Kero Chime events, will be in Kyuushuu and Kansai. Higuchi Chieko will be the guest.

[end of Jouhou Express]

Starting 8/16 there will be special events on this radio show for three weeks. They will air highlights of Tomo driving, Tomo going to a haunted house, and such. There will also be a rare present given away. There will also be some big guests.

Tomo Natsu is next week.
Tomo: Please don't forget your ticket.

The guest next week is Higuchi Chieko.

[Anime Express]

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