Anime Express - 1997.08.09

Title Anime Express
Date 1997 08.09
Host Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)
Corner Sugawara Aya (菅原文)
Guest none
Songs Ice Blue Eyes (Makimachi Misao/Sakurai Tomo)
Drama none

Tomo was on the train today, and saw an old couple walking who was holding hands. Tomo was moved, and said that she would like to do that too.

Tomo said that she saw a person called Sakurai Tomo. She was some kind of race queen or something with a nice body.. Tomo said that the body wasn't like hers at all.

Then she played Ice Blue Eyes the debut song of Makimachi Misao, the character that Tomo plays in Rurouni Kenshin.

Tomo read one recipe for a spaghetti in the recipe corner. She said that the next Ani Raji Grand Prix will have Tomo eating one of the fried rice dishes.

Then Tomo read a letter for her "worries" corner.

Tomo said that when it's hot and she gets tired in the summer, she eats, eats, and sleeps.

The next corner was Sugawara Aya's Jouhou Express corner. Aya said that to combat the summer, she drinks vitamin drinks. She even drank one today before coming to the studio.

Seiyuu Grand Prix 12 will have Iwao Junko telephone cards as the present, and the deadline is 8/20.

Only half of the Higuchi Chieko debut events (Kero Kero Chime) are remaining.

[end of Jouhou Express]

Tomo got a lot of pamphlets for cars that suit her. Tomo likes a four door, classic style car.

[Anime Express]

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2024-05-19 18:59:25 +0900