Club Tokimeki Memorial - 1997.06.20

Title Club Tokimeki Memorial
Aired 1997 06.20
Drama none
Host Tange Sakura (丹下桜)
Guest none

Last Sunday was father's day. Sakura gave her father a present, but since everyone else in her family would get jealous, she gave a present to everyone. Also Sakura's father's birthday was 6/21.

Sakura played a song [didn't catch the title].

Sakura read some letters.

Sakura will have an event for her second single in Shinjuku later that day (6/21). She asked people not to wait all night for the event.

Sakura played "Girl Friend" by TMN.

Sakura read some more letters.

Then Sakura played "Make You Smile", her second single that goes on sale 6/21.

In the "it's my boom" corner, Sakura and Mie read letters from people who gave suggestions on catch phrases for Sakura and Mie.

In the "tokimeki information" corner, Minori said that the "Niji Iro no Seishun" illustration book is going on sale, before the actual game. This "book" is a private album that comes with a Playstation or Sega Saturn CD-ROM. (i.e. there are two types for sale, PS and SS.)

Then Minori told a short story about her going shopping with Saki and the 2nd year student (boy).

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2024-05-19 14:55:39 +0900