Gerugeto Shocking - 1997.04.15

Title Gerugeto Shocking Center
Aired 1997 04.15
Songs Hito Tsumami no Spice (Sakurai Tomo)
Host Ide Kouji
Chiba Reiko (千葉麗子)
Guest Yokoyama Chisa (横山智佐)
Sakurai Tomo (桜井智)

This week, they are having a seiyuu special on the Gerugeto Shocking Center radio show. They are running a seiyuu popularity poll (phone and fax), and they have two seiyuu guests per day. Each seiyuu guest is on the air for around 20 minutes (first one between 22:10-22:40, and the second one between 23:00-23:30). Each guest plays a quiz game with a listener, where they are partners and they have to answer 10 questions in order to get 10 man yen [100,000].

[Yokoyama Chisa was also a guest, but I didn't catch her part.]

Tomo was wearing red overalls and a checkered shirt. [they said]

Tomo and a listener played the quiz game, but they only got 6 questions right, so they didn't get any money.

Then Tomo said that she didn't have any hobbies, except running. She can jog for around 40 to 50 minutes.

They played "Hito Tsumami no Spice" by Sakurai Tomo, the theme song to Bouken Radio Movie.

After the song, Tomo answered some questions from listeners.

Q: Was the buruma that you wore in the video your own?
(Tomo wore a buruma in the video, Hitasura Seiyuu Shigan)
Tomo said that she likes to wear buruma. She still has her buruma from high school, and wears if from time to time (at home). But the one in the video wasn't her own.

Q: Do you forgot to wear bras often?
Tomo said that she does, but not that frequently. It usually happens when she's wearing something like overalls, when she doesn't notice.
Tomo: Today? Oh, I'm wearing one..

Q: Did you ever want to stop being a seiyuu?
Tomo said that she never felt like she wanted to stop, but there were times when she felt that she couldn't do it. When she was just starting out, she couldn't get her lines to match the mouth movements. But after a while, she got used to it, was able to match the mouths.

Tomo will have a new CD coming out on 4/18, Hitasura Seiyuu Shigan CD.

Tomo has a regular corner on the Super Ani Mega Top 10 radio show (Nippon Housou, Friday 22:00 - 24:30).

Tomo will be a guest on an all-night radio show (late night 4/16).

[Gerugeto Shocking Center]

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2024-05-19 18:11:20 +0900