Game Walker Net - 1998.07.18

Machiko pointed out that Don cut his hair too much, he is almost bald. When she came to the studio, she didn't know who it was.

The first corner was the game top sales corner by Sofmap Akihabara. The person from Sofmap came to the studio (usually they do it by phone). There was a kaeuta sent in by a listener, and Machiko sang. But Machiko sang the notes wrong, and Don said Machiko shouldn't release CDs. Number 5 was Tantei Jinguuji Saburou (Sega Saturn), number 4 was Blue Legend of Water (Playstation), number 3 was Code R (Sega Saturn), number 2 was Diablo (Playstation), number 1 was Pocket Fighter (Sega Saturn).

They said that Don and Machiko will have a picture of them wearing yukata in the next Ani Raji Grandprix. Also the winners of Machiko's swimsuit contest will have their postcards printed in the magazine.

The editor of Game Walker came, and talked about the new issue. There will be information about Final Fantasy 8, and the Dreamcast. They are asking for people to send in ideas about games for the Dreamcast that they want to make.

Then a person from Kadokawa Soft came and talked about Lunar 2. In addition to the game, there will be Lunar novels coming out.

Don will take a vacation two weeks from now, so Kuwashima Houko will come as a guest.

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2024-05-19 19:56:11 +0900