Kaettekita Sentimental Night - 1998.08.11

Mannaka Yukiko (満仲由紀子)
Toyoshima Machiko (豊嶋真千子)
Oda Michiko (小田美智子)
Tokyo Shuugou, Asakusa story, part 3
Yukiko said that she likes to clean the house when she gets full of stress. Then the other girls asked her to come over when she was stressed. (^_^;)

Michiko and Machiko read letters for the "sentimental mistake" corner.

Machiko said that she forgot the key to her home often.

Michiko said that she used to climb in through the kitchen window when her house was locked. This was when she was little.

Yukiko read a letter for the "dengon ban" corner.

Machiko and Michiko read letters for the "okuni jiman" corner.

Machiko was on the volleyball team in junior high school. But since she was short, her hand didn't go over the net when she jumped up to block.

Michiki was on the softball team and basketball team. In high school she joined the acting club.

Yukiko was also in the acting club in high school.

The drama was Tokyo Shuugou, Anata wo Motto Shiritakute, Asakusa story, part 3 .

Then they said that the final concert was coming up in just four days.

This was the final week for group B, until the final broadcast.

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2024-05-19 20:21:36 +0900